Why on earth do you want to visit a garden?

Why would you want to visit a garden? Well, I would say that you don’t have to be an artist in order to enjoy an exhibition in a Gallery…


Sainsbury Centre Photograph by Peter Huggins

And you don’t have to play an instrument to be entertained in a concert…

music-628740_960_720 (1)

So you don’t necessarily have to be a gardener to enjoy a garden…


Tudor Lodgings

It is good fun especially when it is a private garden open for the National Garden Scheme, and children enter free. We love to snoop, see what lies behind the garden gate and how people are organising their space. Perhaps it’s minimalist or packed with colour. Maybe full of sculpture or wildlife. Quirky or traditional. 


Research has proved that gardens are good for health and it is always good to get out and explore. The teas are irresistible. The other great thing is that as well as having a good time, getting inspiration and enjoying great cake your visit helps the many nursing and health charities that so need our help. These our the beneficiaries of  National Garden Scheme:


This such a good little App it helps you to find a garden within 50 miles and it is free to download.

Just follow the yellow arrows……….

For more information about the Scheme https://www.ngs.org.uk/

Why not take a look at some of the gardens: I write what I see and just occasionally I wander off the path.